CASE STUDIES กรณีศึกษา
งานวิจัยและเอกสารอื่นๆ คลิกที่นี่
Over the years, climate change adaptation planning in many developing countries, especially in the Southeast Asia region, has been developed as a separate policy and primarily focused on the effort to address the issue of impact of future climate change. This often causes dilemma in climate change adaptation planning and justification of such plan due to the concerns of policy makers on the reliability and accuracy of the assessment on impact of future climate on bio-physical system and consequences on social vulnerability and results in stagnation of climate change adaptation plan in the region. This paper discusses paradigm shift in climate change adaptation planning, in which takes reality of local community into consideration by mainstreaming climate change into local development strategy in order to reduce vulnerability from climate threat. This approach emphasizes linkage between present concerns and specific context of the community with future changes, both from socioeconomic dynamic and climate change, to ensure that the development plan will not lead community into the new climate risk under changing context of the community and development plan will sustain of the under future climate change. Case study of Lao-oi District in Thailand demonstrates the way climate change could be mainstreamed into local community development plan.